About Us

Who We Are

TTCSZ was registered in Zambia as a Non-Governmental Organisation in 2016. It is responsible to the Ministry of Community Development. In 2019 its ‘sister charity’, Teachers for Zambia, was registered with the Charity Commission in the UK.


Collectively we have decades of experience training teachers, teaching, and the strategic management of education. T4Z’s objective is to provide resources to support teacher training activities, whilst TTCSZ uses its local knowledge and experience to create and deliver programmes. Together we work to ensure vulnerable children in Zambia get a good education.


Everyone involved with our charities is a volunteer. Our priority is to spend donations training community school teachers in Zambia.


Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. It shares borders with the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Angola and Namibia. It gained independence from Britain in 1964. English is the official language and the language mostly used in the classroom. We train teachers from community schools established in poor informal housing areas south of Lusaka. These schools receive limited public funding.

How Did We Get Started?

The trustees of TTCSZ and T4Z are educators and friends from Zambia and the UK.  Several of the founding members of both organisations are graduates or lecturers from the School of Education, University of Huddersfield.


In order to break the cycle of deprivation, we understand the importance of providing a good quality education for disadvantaged children. In Zambia achieving this depends on well-trained teachers in community schools. Achieving that outcome motivates all of our planning and activities.


Our aim is to resource and deliver needs-based teacher training programmes for community school teachers in Zambia. Our programmes include lesson planning, teaching methodologies, assessment, and opportunities to create teaching aids.


Our training uses practical ‘student-centered’ strategies that are applied to the delivery of Zambia’s primary school curriculum for English, Mathematics, and ICT.


Investing in teachers is investing in learning. It is a prerequisite to allow the transformative power of education to occur (UNESCO, 2015).  Enabling this vision to become a reality in community schools in Zambia is our priority.


We Welcome Your Support And Participation